Monday, November 17, 2014

Kent vs. US

1.) The victim was tried with 6 counts of breaking in entering and robbery, and two accounts of rape.
2.) The victim was tried, but becasue of young age, he was only 16, he couldn't be tried again until he was 21. He was examined by two psychiatrists and a psychologist. They confirmed that he could rehibilitate. The judge did not favor in his way, the victim was set fro trial.
3.) In each step, they did certain investigations to decide in what they should do. In the end, it just cruised through the courts.
4.) Because it was a very serious case, and the victim was only 16 years of age. It was a civil case as well.
5.) He wasn't placed in a jail with adults, he was placed under the care of his parents.
6.) I think it has a big impact. It gives caution to what the consiquences are to younger peoples's actions. I believe that this affects the younger generation more, but then again, also, the older generation, so they can prepare and take better care of their children.
7.) I do believe that this was an important case because it shows us the importance of consiquence. I don't nessisarily agree with the court orders. I do believe he should have been trialed as an adult. The crimes that he was admitted for were very serious.

Thursday, November 6, 2014

1.) I think it's great! I feel that a lot of poeple will not feel the same way, especially older people.
2.) I believe that it will do both, hinder and help. It will help because it will encourage younger people to vote. I think it will hinder it, because she is not very experienced. How does she know the right?
1.) For the first one I would choose cost of colleges. If I was Sara, just getting out of college, I would address this because I would know a lot about this problem. She would be able to address this issue from a personal view.
2.) Abortion would be my second issue to address. I believe that this is a big issue in younger women. Abortion is usuallly something that happens because that person is too younger, or not able to support their child. Abortion shouldn't be the result in this issue. There are very many other methods you can use such as adoption, and other parenthood methods.
3.) Death Penalty, would be my third. I do not have a personal experience towards this issue but I have certain beliefs. I don't believe that this should legal. There should be punishments, yes, but not this intent. I don't believe that anyone should be allowed to take another's life. This shouldn't be legal, in my eyes. I think it's sinful.
4.) Education reform, will be my fourth choice. There are many things that I would do to improve the education systems. I believe that the biggest problem, mainly in my school, is punishment. Punishment, in my school, isn't a punishment. It's more like free time. I believe that every school should have a detention teacher. I believe there should be rules, enforced from the beginning and kept-up, not at first and slowly giving lead way.
5.) Natural recourses, will be my final choice. I choose this for my last decision, because I believe that we are very unconsiderate of our recourses. I think we need to be more preservative. I believe that we should come up with new ways to be more efficient and conservative!
I believe that I would be a memeber of the

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Barbour County Election Results

Tim McDaniel- commission (Republican)- male
Philip Ferguson- sheriff (Democrat)- male
Elections are important because it gives the people a voice in who they want to represent our county.
I think it is important to vote, because every vote counts.

Friday, October 31, 2014


1.) I'm not sure how I feel about this. I feel like no ones life should be taken, even though he did kill three people.
2.) Again, I am not quite sure because I do believe it is wrong to kill someone, even if someone does believe that that certain person shpuld be killed.

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

50 Crazy rules

Honestly, the feeling I have after reading these rules is humor. They are silly and there is no point in having these rules. Most of the rules that are abolished in these states are legal in the state of West Virginia, which I am proud to say. We have no issues with these rules, so why should they be abolished in other states?

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

pros and cons

1.) They are seeking the death penalty because the captain and few other crew members were responsible for a ship that sank. There were many children aboard.
2.) I definitely disagree. Yes, they are responsible but I don't think they should be punished with a death penalty.
3.) I don't believe that this should be allowed. I don't think that it should be right to kill another on any circumstances.
PROS                                                   CONS
  • Getting rid of a problem.                                           Take another person's life.    
  • Addressing an issue that people believe.                   Committing a sin(in many peoples' eyes)
  • Ending complaints.                                                     It can be abused.

Monday, October 13, 2014


1.) Yes, I believe that any internet thing can be hacked.
2.) No, privacy will never happen in the case of internet- related devices.

Friday, October 10, 2014


1.) I wrote a paper on Euthanasia last year and I am against it completely. I don't believe in giving up and I also believe it is a sin. The Lord choses when you leave. I believe suicide and euthanasia is very similar.
2.) I would probably want to do the same thing, honestly, but I still believe it's wrong.

Thursday, October 9, 2014

1.) On facebook there has been pop ups that seem to be something else. They aren't what they are once they are clicked on. They are spams.
2.) It kind of scares me because I own a facebook and I have seen some on these pop ups.

Friday, October 3, 2014


1.) Yes, I don't think they are allowed to do that. They aren't permitted.
2.) Yes, they have.
3.) I don't believe that they should be allowed to do any of the things that they are trying to do. I think it's rediculous.

Wednesday, October 1, 2014


1.) No, I do not think he should have been punished. He was just being thankful that he got a touchdown. I believe that is wrong. He should be able to give thanks and show what he believes in.
2.) Freedom of Religion. Amendment 1.
3.) I'm not really sure how to fix it, because the referee made a mistake. He didn't even know he was praying.

Monday, September 29, 2014

Hong Kong Protests

1.) They were protesting for freedom of elections.
2.) They are fighting for the right to vote. We all have this option in the U.S. but a lot of us don't vote when eligible.

Friday, September 26, 2014

America's Most

1.) It indicates that there are going to be more job opportunities for poeple with degrees and less jobs for people without degrees.
2.) I think that this certain generation doesn't care as much about their education because its a lot easier to not do anything and get credit for it.
3.) To make them work harder for things.

Thursday, September 25, 2014

1.) He tried to make the point that our future is in stake. That we need to better ourselves, in peace.
2.) I'm not sure how affective he was. He may have brought some attention to this subject, but I think it will be a lot more affective as a long term affect.

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

1.) I don't believe that he should be punished. This was a punishment for his child for doing something wrong. He alson didn't intend on hurting his child, just punishing.
2.) There used to be a paddle in schools. There was punishing, in a physical way, everywhere. Now a days, you can't even spank your child, for doing something wrong, without getting accused of abusing your child.

Friday, September 5, 2014

Cellphone Towers

1.) I believe that it could cause problems with people making complaints. Why would there be cellphone towers that are unknown? Who do they belong to? They could even be owned by someone in another counrty, maybe trying to harm us. They need to get this figured out ASAP!
2.) One reason they would be near military bases is to find out confidential military information. Definitely not good.
3.) Maybe they are. I do believe this, because I belive that the Government hides a lot of things from society.

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Al-Qaeda vs. India

1.) It will cause the people in India to panic. I believe that this will cause a lot of problems for India. Maybe start a battle. I'm not quite sure, but I do believe their will be conflicts.
2.) They don't believe that their religion is good enough.
3.) Hopefully the U.S. will help in some kind of way. Maybe, find a compromise with Al-Qaeda.

Wednesday, September 3, 2014


Perry was accused of mouthing off jailers and officers. He also was said to of threatened to use his veto power to cut state funding for a special unit in his control. He was accused of abusing his powers when he was caught with a drunk driver. He is getting all of the penalties.
I think that he should be accused, because he shouldn't be able to threaten to use certain powers to get what he wants. You shouldn't be able to buy your way out of something.

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Jennifer Lawrence

1.) No, I am not surprised something like this could happen. This stuff happens all the time. You always hear about celeberties getting in trouble with these kind of things.
2.) No, I don't worry. Why would be taking pictures like that anyways?
3.) Yes, I think they should be prosecuted, because they still didn't something wrong.

Thursday, August 28, 2014


Article 1.) Legislative Department
Article 2.) Exectutive Department
Article 3.) Judicial Department
Article 4.) Realtions Among the States
Article 5.) Provisions for Amendments
Article 6.) Public Debts; Supremacy of National Law; Oath
Article 7.) Ratification of Conistitution

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

There is a conflict on serviellance of Syria. Obama has gave permission to strike against airstrikes against Islamic poeple. In addition, Obama hasn't made an actual military actions against anyone.

Monday, August 25, 2014

1.) There was a 6.0 article that occurred in Napa Valley California. Many buildings were damaged, such as wine and oil bottlers' shops. Ninety to one-hundred homes and buildings were confirmed to be unlivable. About 180 people were injured or in critical condition. There was a big power outage that caused about 21,000 homes and buildings to lose power.
2.) Earthquakes are caused when tectonic plates underground collide with each other. Pressure builds up and causes the earthquake. It was the Franklin, 44 miles wide, and 7 miles below the surface.

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

1.) It mostly talks about taxes. Irish, Swiss, and U.K. have the highest corprate tax rate world wide. Large U.S. Companies arevery good at finding loopholes to pay a lot less on taxes. This is what allowes us to have such low taxe rates, but we do pay higher foreign taxes rates.
2.) Taxes are used to run the government, provide for national defense, and government issues.
3.) I believe that wealthier people should pay higher taxes.

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Michael Brown

1.) The police officers used tear gas to disperse citizens that did not protest in peace. The second mistake they made was by forcing the media away like they had something to hide. They also threw tear gas at the Al Jazeera American crew.
2.) I believe that excessive force is when the amount of punishment for a person has been over done. When justice is not served properly. They shot Michael Brown to death. They didn't even give him a chance to say whether or not is was him who committed the crime. They officers shot with only an assumption.
3.)  If I was above everything, in charge, I would give the protesters what they wanted, to know what happened to their friend. They should have explianed things better. I believe that the police officers were wrong and I belive they should be put accountable.

Monday, August 18, 2014

My Goals

Dear Viola,
My first goal is to get the promise scholarship and get a good score on my ACT. I also want to attend WVU of Fairmont State.